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Discreet Effect

From Higher Intellect Vintage Wiki

Discreet Effect was a version of the Flint software by Discreet for the SGI O2. The 5.0 version was in fact named Flint for O2. The 5.5 and 6.0 versions were named "Effect (option 3)", as at the time there was a Windows software named Effect, with two versions: option 2 and option 1 (a basic version of option 2). Discreet Effect for Windows was not based on Flint but a software named Composite by Illuminaire, later replaced by Discreet Combustion.

Version history

Version IRIX version Release date Notes
Effect 7.1 IRIX 6.5.11f June 2001
Effect 7.0.3
Effect 7.0.1 December 2000
Effect 7.0 IRIX 6.5.7f July 2000
  • 512 MB RAM recommended for 601 resolution, 1 GB for HD and higher.
  • 6.x projects and users not compatible with 7.x
  • 6.x clip libraries and archives available in read-only mode. 7.x clip libraries and archives not available in 6.x.
  • 6.x setups are compatible with 7.x, limited functionality of 7.x setups in 6.x.
Effect (option 3) 6.1.3 IRIX 6.5.7f March 2000
Effect (option 3) 6.1.2 February 2000
Effect (option 3) 6.1.1 October 28, 1999
Effect (option 3) 6.0 IRIX 6.5.3 June 14, 1999
Effect (option 3) 5.5.1 Approx june 1998 $21 000. Last version before 6.0.
Flint 5.0.7O2 IRIX 6.3 including R10000
Flint 5.0.5O2 IRIX 6.3 including R10000 Announced august 1997 Initial version, available for R5000 or R10000