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From Higher Intellect Vintage Wiki

To avoid conflicts with the host command in fw_bind and fw_bind9, this package installs as host-loc.

This is a completely new version of host, a nameserver query utility a la nslookup and dig, but much more versatile and robust. It is used for the RIPE monthly European hostcount survey. host supports RFC1876 ("LOC") information.

Among the new features are:

  • Extensive error checking.
  • Optionally (very) verbose output and debugging info.
  • Checking for extraneous conditions during zone listings such as non-authoritative glue records and lame delegations.
  • Checking for illegal characters in certain domain names.
  • Checking for dangling CNAME pointers without RR records.
  • Verify that some host-related domain names are canonical.
  • Perform ttl consistency checking during zone listings.
  • Recursive traversion of delegated zones up to a given level.
  • Maintaining of resource record and host count statistics.
  • Option to check reverse mappings of host addresses.
  • Option to compare SOA records at the primary and secondary nameservers of a zone to check for anomalies such as out-of-sync serial numbers, and other discrepancies.
  • Recognition of many new RR types as defined by latest RFCs.
  • Allow multiple arguments on command line or from stdin.
  • Configurable default options via an environment variable.
  • Anticipate non-BIND behaviour during zone listings.
  • Facility to maintain local disk cache files for zone data.

And many more; see the manual page, the RELEASE NOTES, and the extensively documented code for details.