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Letraset LetraStudio

From Higher Intellect Vintage Wiki

We must commend the programmers of this application. It’s elegant and extremely versatile for editing fonts in just about any way you can imagine. Type can be set in perspective, wave gently up and down as if viewed under water, or bulge out from the page.

In fact, LetraStudio would be one of our all-time favorite graphics applications except for two flaws. First, LetraStudio may only manipulate Letraset fonts. Two typefaces are provided with the program, both of which only offer one style apiece. If you want more typefaces, you must purchase them from Letraset. This brings us to the second problem: Letraset's screen-font copy-protection scheme. In the bad old days, Adobe printer fonts had to be personalized for one and only one printer. Letraset goes one step further by requiring you to install screen fonts to one and only one System. You have no control over how your screen fonts are organized, nor may more than one user access the same font, not even over a network.