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Microsoft Internet Explorer

From Higher Intellect Vintage Wiki

Microsoft Windows 98 comes with Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.01, but you can download the new Internet Explorer 5 free and enjoy all the newest technologies. With Internet Explorer 5 and Internet access, you can take advantage of all the Internet has to offer - surfing the Web for information, shopping for products and services online, hanging out in newsgroups, and chatting with friends and family via e-mail.

With Internet Explorer, you can:

  • Find the information you need, whether it's on your computer, LAN, or the Web.
  • Use AutoComplete to find the addresses of pages you've already visited.
  • Use the Search bar to see a list of your search results and the resulting Web pages simultaneously.
  • Use the History bar which lets you find the sites you visited earlier in the day, the week, or the month.
  • Use the Favorites bar to skip from favorite to favorite without losing track of the Favorites list itself.
  • Easily find an Internet service provider or set up your existing account.



See Also[edit]