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Motorola 68020

From Higher Intellect Vintage Wiki

In 1984, Motorola introduced the successor chip to the 68000, the 68020. This processor offered faster performance while remaining downwardly compatible with software written for the 68000.

Part of the Motorola "68K" processor family. These are found in the following Macintosh models from Apple Computer:

The 68020 provides both internal and external 32-bit data and instruction buses, or twice as much data in the same amount of time as the 68000.

The 68020 contains a 256-byte instruction cache. This is a small area of the chip reserved for storing the most recently used instructions so that they can be used by the CPU again without calling out to memory for their retrieval. Motorola claimed that performance was boosted 40 percent by the inclusion of the instruction cache.

See Also