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Distributed access control system like LDAP or Active Directory.

Transfer NIS Master In IRIX

You need to tar up the directory your NIS flat files live in (I keep mine in /etc/yp, but there's no standard) and copy it over to the machine you want to be the new master (assuming you aren't running right out of /etc, which is also possible, in that case, just copy the relevant files over). Personally, I recommend against using the files directly in /etc, but that's personal preference because it makes my life easier.

8:12am dragon  /etc/yp %ls
aliases                      local.make.script.pre-6.5.x                  mac
auto.home                    netgroup
auto.master                  netid                     networks
auto_master                  nsswitch.conf.nisserv
automount.options            passwd
bootparams                   protocols
capability                   rpc
clearance                    rpc.passwd.options
ethers                       services
group                        ypdomain
hosts                        ypmaster.options
jlimits                      ypservers

I keep a copy of the various system files I've created or changed in there too, as you can see.

Check /var/yp/ for the presence of custom local scripts :

8:13am dragon  /var/yp %ls
local.make.script            ypmake
local.make.script.pre-6.5.x  ypmake.log
make.script                  ypxfr_1pd
mdbm_dump                    ypxfr_1perday
mdbm_parse                   ypxfr_1perhour
updaters                     ypxfr_1ph
ypdomain                     ypxfr_2pd
ypinit                       ypxfr_2perday

as you're going to want those as well. If you didn't set this up initially, check make.script to verify that it hasn't been hand edited. If it has, you'll be spending quality time with the manual. I recommend against duplicating any changes you find in there on the new master. Read the docs, and do it right using normal methods. It makes your life easier when you need to figure out how and why things work, and any who follow you should you leave don't have to try and figure out your klu(d)ges.

You'll also need to check /etc/config/yp* :

8:15am dragon  /etc/config %foreach f ( yp* )

foreach? echo $f ; cat $f ; echo "\n"
foreach? end




8:18am dragon  /etc/config %grep yp * | grep -v typ | grep -v Typ

The rpc.passwd.options isn't obvious, and if the person who set this up originally didn't read the docs and you aren't using the passwd file directly out of /etc, they've more than likely hacked up something to make yppasswd work the way they want. Dump this and do it right if that turns to have been the case.

Once you've checked the relevant files and moved everything over, run ypinit -m on the new server and follow up with a ypinit -s on any slaves you may have. This will take care of changing the yp/ypmaster/ypserv file contents from off to on. The one thing ypinit will not do is create /var/yp/ypdomain. This file needs to exist and the only thing it should contain is your NIS domain name. You'll need to create this file on all machines in this domain on your own, be they the master, the slaves, or the clients. Since you're already running NIS, it should already be there.

One last thing:

8:40am dragon  /etc/yp %cat nsswitch.conf.nisserv
# Cat this file onto the end of /var/ns/nsswitch.conf.nisserv
# and /var/ns/domains/<nisdomain>/nsswitch.conf
auto.master:            nisserv            nisserv               nisserv
auto.home:              nisserv

If you're using maps that aren't in the default list, you'll need to do this on your master after you run ypinit -m. You have to do this before you run ypinit -s on the slaves. They won't accept maps they don't already have copies of, and the easiest way to make sure propagation occurs properly is to have everything in place when you init them (there are ways to add maps to slaves after the fact, but this is much more straightforward).

See Also