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Paul Lezica

From Higher Intellect Vintage Wiki
Revision as of 12:42, 25 November 2009 by Netfreak (talk | contribs)


Born August 30, 1983 in Vancouver BC, Canada, Paul Lezica is the founder and primary administrator for the Higher Intellect digital library archive located at The archive was created by Paul in July 2001 in Kelowna BC, Canada, and became an open archive in August 2001 in Calgary AB, Canada. Both Paul and the Higher Intellect archive currently reside in Kelowna BC, Canada.

Higher Intellect

The archive is an unbiased collection of documents with subjects ranging from alien conspiracies to weapons and terrorism. The project was created with the vision of information freedom in mind. In the battle against censorship, the geographical location of the servers themselves (in Canada) provide an advantage. As such, the archive continues to accumulate texts on any imaginable subject. As of November 2009, the archive holds 282,514 items at an estimated 111gb size.

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